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Glutathione Plus Push contains Glutathione, B12, B Complex, Vitamin C and Biotin

What it Contains:


Glutathione: It is the body’s master antioxidant. It quenches free radical damage that ages us and causes disease. Glutathione boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body.


Vitamin C: Essential in human nutrition and required for collagen production. Signs of a deficiency are bleeding gums, poor wound healing, extensive bruising, susceptibility to infection, hysteria and depression. It’s primary function is the manufacturing of collagen, the main protein substance of the human body. Vitamin C is critical for immune function, manufacturing certain nerve transmitting substances and hormones, carnitine synthesis (transports fats into energy) and the absorption and utilization of other nutritional factors. Vitamin C is a very important antioxidant.


Biotin: Essential for the integrity of hair, skin and nails


B1: A deficiency causes mental confusion, muscle wasting, fluid retention, high blood pressure, difficulty walking and heart disturbances


B2: A deficiency causes cracked lips, and cracks in the corners of the mouth, an inflamed tongue, visual disturbances - sensitivity to light and loss of visual acuity, cataract formation, burning and itching eyes, lips, mouth and tongue, disorders of mucous membranes, anemia and seborrheic dermatitis.


B3: The body converts tryptophan to create niacin/ B3. It functions in the body as a component in the coenzymes NAD and NADP, which are involved in well over 50 different chemical reactions in the body. 


B6: Extremely important B vitamin involved in the formation of body proteins and structural compounds, chemical transmitters in the nervous system, red blood cells, and prostaglandins. 


B12: Prevents pernicious anemia (a deadly form with large, immature red blood cells). Works with folic acid in many body processes, including the synthesis of DNA, red blood cells, and the insulating myelin sheath that surrounds nerve cells and speeds the conduction of nerve signals.


What it targets:

  • General health

  • Poor immunity

  • Low energy

  • Poor endurance

  • Brightens skin



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