Constipation is another very common digestive ailment often caused by lack of water, lack of vegetable fiber and lack of exercise. The large intestine is stimulated by exercise to contract, also known as peristalsis, and expel its contents. Lack of fiber from fresh vegetables and other whole foods is needed to provide bulk to move food along. A lack of beneficial bacterial flora or probiotics aggravates the problem. Diseases associated with constipation are diverticulitis, diverticulosis and colon cancer. When a person does not have at least one bowel movement per day the size of a banana, they are constipated. Ideally, in fact, we should have a bowel movement after each meal. Without regular and effective bowel function, we risk higher levels of toxicity and chronic disease. Bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea, gas, increased thirst
Drugs for constipation can cause harsh side effects including dependence, bloating, nausea, gas, cramping and the potential to lose the bowel lining through the rectum. Due to the severity of complications, I advise patients to avoid them and use natural methods.
Water – 8 oz every hour with either lemon juice or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar is an extremely important addition to add to our daily routine to keep the bowels moving, prevent bladder infections, keep mucous levels low, thin the blood and flush toxins out of the body. If you drink coffee, you will need to drink extra water to make up for the diuretic effect.
Regular exercise such as walking, running, swimming and any sport essentially as well as specific yoga poses, meditation and relaxation exercises can help stimulate peristalsis.
Fiber: Be sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in the diet daily.
Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria that make up the bulk of the stool. We have a symbiotic relationship with a wide variety of beneficial flora species. We can add probiotics into our diet with naturally fermented foods such as kimchi, miso soup, natural sauerkraut and fermented vegetables. Lightly rinsed locally grown organic produce has high levels of beneficial probiotics in the outer membrane / skin.
Constipating foods to avoid include yogurt, milk, cheese, eggs, processed food, fast food and deep-fried food.
Stimulate Peristalsis with half a lemon juiced in warm water on waking and before bed to stimulate the liver and trigger peristalsis and bowel evacuation.
When about to have a movement, while sitting on the toilet, raise feet onto a step stool to enhance the amount released.
Bulk it up:
Ground flax seeds, ground psyllium husks, apple pectin, guar gum, glucomannan, rice bran, prunes, figs and dates are all great fiber sources beyond vegetables like celery, carrots and green leafy vegetables.
Herbal Laxatives such as Senna, Aloe, Cascara, Frangula and Rhubarb work well to stimulate bowel evacuation but may cause cramping.
Healing our Intestinal permeability or Leaky Gut is important, and we can do this by taking L-Glutamine and probiotics.
For Candida, Parasites and Fungus which most of us have but don’t know it: Grapefruit Seed Extract, Olive leaf, Burdock root, Golden seal, Black walnut husk and Wormwood work well and a combination product may be the most effective. I believe we should do a one-month parasite cleanse twice per year in the spring and fall. At this time, it would also make sense and be very beneficial for us to do a month-long detoxification.
Demulcents: Soothe the intestinal tract decreasing inflammation and constriction and enhancing mucus formation in the intestinal tract to help foods slide through. Aloe Vera, Slippery elm, Marshmallow root, DGL (deglycerinated licorice), ginger and Curcumin (turmeric) reduce inflammation and enhance detoxification.
Probiotics such as Acidophilus, Saccharomyces Boulardii, Bifidobacterium are all specific for different health issues and often a mixed human strain works best. Ensure you buy your probiotics from a reputable company and that you keep them refrigerated (unless they are soil strains) otherwise they will die or may already be dead when you buy them.
Colonics are a very good idea, before, during and after detoxification and to do as often as necessary. Colonics are performed by trained professionals and deliver water through the rectum into the colon in order to loosen the impacted fecal matter that adheres to the bowel walls. This fecal matter builds up over time leading to sometimes a thick, toxic layer. Taking oral laxatives may not effectively remove it. Enemas can help remove blockage lower down but do not fill the colon with enough water to loosen impacted fecal matter.