Many people suffer from H. Pyloribacteria in the stomach or duodenum which is linked to gastric and peptic ulcers – very painful. At this time H. pylori has built up a resistance to the antibiotics used to treat it. Patients continue to suffer from gastric pain, burning, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, decreased appetite and diarrhea.
What causes an H. pylori infection?
H. pylori bacteria can be acquired from another person, either by fecal-oral or oral-oral route. It can also be acquired through contaminated water or food. Once the bacteria enter the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, it attaches itself to the lining of the stomach. It produces a toxin called Vac-A that causes the stomach lining to become inflamed and allows the bacteria to reproduce more. This leads to damage to the lining of the stomach, which is there to protect from acid. When the acid gets through the lining, it causes ulcers which are painful, bleed, and may lead to infection. Most people who are infected with H. pylori will not get ulcers. It is unknown why some people get ulcers, and others do not.
How to treat H. Pylori Infections?
A lack of hydrochloric acid (HCL), (the acid secreted into the stomach to break down protein as part of digestion) may be linked to H. pylori since HCL kills bacteria and other pathogens as they enter the body. A sign of an HCL deficiency is vertical ridges on the finger nails. Naturopathic doctors are trained to administer HCL in a way that stimulates the body to start producing enough of its own. Ozonated water is a very effective way to kill H. Pylori bacteria as well. Ozone is concentrated oxygen (O3) which is pumped into water. The unstable extra oxygen molecule kills bacteria, viruses and fungus on contact. Deficiencies of magnesium, vitamin E and iron are connected to H. Pylori infections so these nutrients need to be replenished. Anti inflammatory herbs such as aloe vera juice, turmeric and ginger can be helpful in alleviating the gastric fire. Vitamin C in high doses is always helpful in healing any tissue damage including the digestive tract. Specific amino acids such as N-acetyl-cysteine and L-Glutamine at the right dose can help heal damaged gastric tissue. Acidic foods should be avoided as these will aggravate symptoms: coffee, sugar, alcohol, red meat, bread, pasta and other simple carbohydrates, pop, dairy, tobacco and NSAIDs like Aspirin and Tylenol which in fact cause more mini permeations / ulcerations in the stomach and digestive tract. This is known as “Leaky Gut”. I offer incredibly effective Ozone treatments at my clinics in North Vancouver and Whistler.